The No Brainer Guide to the Gospel for the Rest of Us

The No Brainer Guide to the Gospel for the Rest of Us
In this day and age, when men claim to have discovered the structure of the atom and the origin of the universe, why can’t someone explain in plain English what Jesus really said, just trying to simplify. This book is just that. It is not intended to change or convert you. It is simply written to explain in a simple way, what the Bible really says. What it means for you. The first book by Tom Mac Guinness, to share his experience of life and spiritual development with the purpose of opening the way to others to connect personally with God. A personal path towards a life of growth, well-being, joy and peace, including in the realm of business. This is not a new philosophy or religion, he just wants to reveal to others something that has transformed him, and served him, to feel comfortable in every facet this life.

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